Basically, it means etiquette. One of the hallmarks of salons in the past was the expectation that attendees would follow certain social norms when in attendance. For Schoolmarm Salons, it means we’ll start with formal introductions (i.e. Mrs., Ms., Miss., Mx., Dr., etc.) and limit how much we volunteer about ourselves. It means no need to worry about small talk about families and jobs as we’ll limit our conversations to schools and learning. Conservation prompts will be provided to get people started.
We’re meeting in a park in Lancaster (be sure to RSVP at the bottom of the home page for the exact location) for a few reasons. First, outdoors means better air circulation and more opportunities for attendees to move and mingle. Second, the shelter is right across the roadway from a restroom and a few dozen feet from a playground where children can play. Third, if two attendees discover they’re struggling to find common group or reach consensus, they can go for a Walk and Talk.
Schools. Teaching. Learning. Reading. Math. Science. Anything related to education in America. If that feels too big, conversation starters will be available for attendees.
Conversation. No more, no less. There are no expectations for people to change their minds or convince others. It’s just a chance to talk about schools, teaching, and learning and learn from each other. Future Schoolmarm Salons may have a particular focus with invited speakers but those topics will be determined by Salon participants.
No need! However, if you have questions, you’re welcome to reach out to for more information. If you’re the type who likes to do pre-work, you might find the book HIGH CONFLICT by Amanda Ripley interesting.
Whatever you’re comfortable in! We’ll be outside in the evening so you may want to wear long sleeves and pants if you’re prone to mosquito bites. Some Salon hosts encourage guests to dress more formally but that’s up to you. As a reminder, Salons are not a place for recruiting or finding new members for an organization and so we invite you to consider leaving your branded clothing at home.